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Sensual Serpent 🐍Awaken & Activate Shakti ( kundalini)


6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


enchanted Elements Apothecary
High street , Pottstown

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                 This is the year of the snake.                    The serpent is whispering in your ear,  come with me- shed the skin of who you were, step into the untamed uninhabited essence of who you are becoming.         Your body holds ancient wisdom, she is waiting to be (re)awakened…shakti unfurled iyour holy primordial life-force energy that is deeply coiled at the base of your being Together in sisterhood we (re) awaken & fully feel the potent spiral rippling throughout thy body /vessel/mind/heart & being. Unbecoming to become. embodying thy sacred sensual sovereign powerful self.                              Calling all Women, sisters, goddess, priestesses…….the time is now, what are you waiting for? Shed those skins, peel away masks, dearmour the heart – let go of what does not serve. AWAKEN & ACTIVATE your kundalini/skakti, sensual pure true nature, deepen your connection to your feminine power, innate wisdom & intuition. This sacred space supports you in owning your deepest longing, hearts desires, EMBODY your truth. Speak outloud, share your voice. Please bring a small journal and pen, pillow or meditation cushion, a temple/ritual type of blanket, drum/rattle or sacred instrument to use, item(s) for the altar & select attire that embraces your sensual, radiant, feminine nature that is easy to move your beautiful body in. Come with willingness to open thy heart, be seen, be heard, be witnessed, be loved, and trusting in the process and the power of the snake. 🐍🔥                             Registration required: Energy Exchange   $88 Reserve your spot now as space is limited to 12 in order to contain high vibe intimate container.  Questions can be sent via email to Charee