This 7-week intro Chakra Healing Yin Yoga experience includes deep stretching to open up the Chakras and relieve tension in the fascia paired with affirmations and healing frequencies and sound vibrations. This yin restorative series is accessible for everyone, and we will explore breath work, meditations, mantras, journal entry that are connected to each chakra supporting and gives you tools to help clear any blockages, open more, and allow life force energy to flow balanced throughout your body and being.
You will learn:
how to know if a chakra is blocked, as well as what can block it.
how this chakra impacts your mind, body, and spirit.
This workshop includes energetic balance of chakras & focused clearing on the specific chakra we are discussing each week.
Class will be held from 7:00pm-8:15pm on Tuesdays and includes a brief introduction, intention setting, breath work, yoga, and meditation/silent reflection. It is recommend to attend full weekly Chakra (7) series, but drop-ins will be welcome.
Pre registration is needed & limited to 10 people ( in person) per class.
Please bring a journal and bring or wear something that has to do with properties of the chakra that week.
1/14- Muladhara /Root -red
1/2- Svadhishthana/ Sacral- orange
1/28- Manipura/Solar -yellow
2/4- Anahata/ Heart -green
2/11- Vishuddha/ Throat -blue
2/18- Ajna/ Third Eye- indigo
2/25- Sahasrara- Crown- purple
You can still sign up for the entire series & receive video playback of the previous week. Or drop in class $25/class.